Tag Archives: failure symptoms women

Heart Failure Symptoms in Women

12 Nov

heart failure symptoms

Because it is assumed that heart failure is less common in women than in men, the heart failure symptoms in women are often overlooked. This is why treating these symptoms also becomes difficult. Here, we discuss the symptoms of heart failure in women, by which this condition can be detected, diagnosed, and treated effectively.

Studies have reported that women are more prone to death from heart failure than men. This is because it is often assumed that men are more prone to heart failure and other heart problems. As such, the symptoms in women go undiagnosed. While the heart failure symptoms in women are similar to those in men, women are likely to develop this condition after menopause. Also, some symptoms are more prominent in women than in men. Further, the onset of the symptoms is slower than those in men. As such, by the time heart failure is recognized, it becomes difficult to completely recover from it. It is however important to note that heart failure in young women is also possible because of the rapid lifestyle changes that are affecting their bodies. Women who smoke are more likely to develop heart failure at a younger age than those who don’t.

Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to supply enough blood to the rest of the body so that it can perform its necessary functions. Heart failure is often mistaken as a heart attack. However, heart failure occurs over time and refers to the weakening of the heart. A woman may suffer from left sided heart failure or right sided heart failure. In the former case, the heart is unable to pump blood to different body parts, while in the latter case, the heart cannot pump blood to the lungs, from where blood receives its oxygen supply.

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